vrijdag 25 juni 2010

You will suck the life out of me

Last saturday I went with J. to the concert of Muse. So amazing! One of my favourite bands of all time! And lucky me is also going to see them at Sziget festival. Jeeh! Last week they also announced that Mika will perform at Sziget, so dubble Jeeh ;-)!

Btw, I can not believe a year has gone so fast already. I can remember writing this post like it was yesterday. Accactly one year ago I went out to dinner in a fancy restaurany with some of my girls. Tonight we are going to do the same. This time we are going to restaurant Le Relais in Amsterdam. Can't wait! Last year was amazing. Loved it so much! It was so much fun to see all my friends alle dressed up. We felt so awkward. Not comfortable at all with all those up tied people surrounding us. One of the courses was an oyster. I had never eaten one before and hope I won't ever have to eat one for the rest of my life ;-). I HATED it! Almost threw up haha. Now it sounds like a horrible evening, but I think it's a great anecdote and now I know what an oyster tastes like (BAD!) ;-)..

Unfortunately we forgot to bring a camera then, but tonight one of my friends will bring one so we can make fun pictures :-).

It's also accactly one year ago that MJ passed away! We were in the car driving back from the restaurant when we heard the news that there were rumours MJ could be dead. So surreal. When I got home I woke my dad up and told hem the news. It's not like we were fan of the guy and his music (except from the my friend F. ofcourse), but ofcourse he was an icon and the news really hit us. A couple weeks later I went with my friend J. to NY and people were still walking in MJ t-shirts. It was a strange atmosphere. Sigh, time really flies..

1 opmerking:

  1. i have always been a huge MJ fan, since five years old :)

    love Muse, too!
